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  1. Apache Tutorial: Dynamic Content with CGI

    • It is a simple way to put dynamic content on your web site, using whatever programming language you're most familiar with. This document will be an introduction to setting up CGI on your Apache we… Visa mer

    File Permissions

    Remember that the server does not run as you. That is, when the server starts up, it is … Visa mer

    The Apache HTTP Ser…
    Path Information and Environment

    When you run a program from your command line, you have certain information that is passed to the shell without you thinking about it. For example, you have a PATH, whic… Visa mer

    The Apache HTTP Server Project
    Missing Environment Variables

    If your CGI program depends on non-standard environment variables, you will need to assure that those variables are passed by Apache. When you miss HTTP headers fro… Visa mer

    The Apache HTTP Server Project
    Program Errors

    Most of the time when a CGI program fails, it's because of a problem with the program itself. This is particularly true once you get the hang of this CGI stuff, and no longer make the ab… Visa mer

    The Apache HTTP Server Project
    Error Logs

    The error logs are your friend. Anything that goes wrong generates message in the error log. You should always look there first. If the place where you are hosting your web site does no… Visa mer

    The Apache HTTP Server Project

    The suexec support program allows CGI programs to be run under different user permissions, depending on which virtual host or user home directory they are located in. S… Visa mer

    The Apache HTTP Server Project
  1. php - Is there a difference between apache module vs cgi …

  2. Running PHP script through CGI with Apache... how?

  3. Andra har också frågat
    It is a simple way to put dynamic content on your web site, using whatever programming language you're most familiar with. This document will be an introduction to setting up CGI on your Apache web server, and getting started writing CGI programs.
    Web server are commonly configured by default to fetch CGI scripts from that path. a CGI script can be implemented also in PHP, but all PHP programs are not CGI scripts. If webserver has embedded PHP interpreter (e.g. mod_php in Apache), then the CGI phase is skipped by more efficient direct protocol between the web server and the interpreter.
    For an introduction to using CGI scripts with Apache, see our tutorial on Dynamic Content With CGI. When using a multi-threaded MPM under unix, the module mod_cgid should be used in place of this module. At the user level, the two modules are essentially identical.
    CGI is a COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE ... i.e. you don't need to set it up for particular languages. However, Apache normally determines what to do with a file based on the filename extension (e.g. file.cgi versus file.php) Your Apache configuratin is most likely already setup to handle CGI programs, you probably only need to do two things
  4. command line - How to configure Apache to run PHP as FastCGI …

  5. Which PHP mode? Apache vs CGI vs FastCGI - Layershift Blog

  6. PHP: Installed as CGI binary - Manual